Dear Partners,

Afyon Kocatepe University is delighted to invite all our partner and non-partner institutions to participate in the 9th International Week from 22nd May to 26th May 2023, in Afyonkarahisar, Turkiye.

Our week is directed to three main strands of participants:

1) Staff Training: Training activities will be negotiated with the unit representatives of (a) the Quality Coordinatorship Unit, (b) Strategy Development Unit, (c) Press, Media, and Public Relations Unit (4), and the Faculties.

2) Staff Teaching: Teaching activities will be negotiated with the Erasmus coordinators of related faculties and schools

3) International Relations Office Staff: There will be two main topics for this group which are (a) Fostering Inclusion Diversity, and Equality: Challenges and Good Practices and (b) Challenges and Good Practices of Incoming Offices

Networking Areas: 

#studentexchange #staffexchange #internationalcreditmobility #inclusionanddiversity #equality #internshipconsortias #icmfair #partnernetworking

Our main aim is to exchange ideas mainly in inclusion and diversity, to share our experience in the frame of our internationalization strategy, and to host new participants from EU and Non-EU countries. The participants get in touch with their peers, especially for networking). We are seeking active participation, and we would be happy to welcome colleagues from all departments and other associated fields of work. The language of International Week is English.

Also, we are organizing a trip to Hierapolis (Denizli, Turkey), Şirince (a small village near İzmir), and Ephesus (famous ancient ruins near İzmir) on 25th May (arrival) and 26th May (departure). You can buy your departure tickets from İzmir. The transportation for the trip will be free of charge, but participants will cover accommodation.

Application Form: 

Please fill in the application form here:

The deadline for application is 31st March 2023. Selected participants will be contacted till 15th April 2023. For further inquiries, please send an e-mail to


There is no participation fee. However, we expect the participants to cover their accommodation and transportation fees.


You can find the program attached. Please note that the program is preliminary and subject to change.

If you have any questions, contact us at

We look forward to welcoming you to Afyon Kocatepe University!

08 Şubat 2023, Çarşamba 450 kez görüntülendi