Afyonkarahisar (Afyon) that is in the Aegean Region; is located in the climate, flora and culture transition points of Mediterranean, Aegean, Central Anatolia Regions.

On the 14.295,00 km2 lands, Afyonkarahisar has 17 districts, each of which them has different values. You can find brief info about these 17 districts on the official promotion website of Afyonkarahisar. Before that, you can watch the promo video! Please click here to get more information! 

If you are interested in the history of Afyonkarahisar, we suggest you to look at here!


If you are interested in the cuisine of Afyonkarahisar, we suggest you to look at here!


If you like thermal water and spa facilities, you can buy thermal and gym membership in the thermal hotels. You can have a look at the thermal resorts in Afyonkarahisar by clicking here!

For more detailed information, we strongly recommend to have a look at VisitAfyon website!

14 Ekim 2019, Pazartesi 2040 kez görüntülendi